

Lodging plan summary Please contact us from the contact form »Click here for contact form

Date of your intended stay

(Year) (Month) (Day) Date undecided

Lodging plan

night(s) room(s) Adult Male Adult Female Children

Please do not hesitate to contact us for enquiries

Please use the form below for any questions, queries for us.
* Website enquires might take time.

You might want to know before contacting us…

  • Please enter your contact number (home or mobile) in the phone column.
  • We may take time to get back to you.
  • Please check your email setting (junk mail setting) so as to receive our replies without problems.
  • Please submit your inquiry via the form again if you could not receive any reply for your enquiries. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Contact form

*” is a required item.

Name *

E.g. John Smith

Phone number

E.g. +81-79-336-0020

Email address *

E.g. xxx

(*) Please enable emails from in your cellular email setting.
(*) Please enter your email address in half-width Arabic numbers/ alphabetic letters
(*) We are going to reply to this email. Please make sure the email address is correct.

Please enter again for confirmation.

Your enquiry *

Please confirm your enquiry details and press “confirm details”.
(*) All information will be used for the captioned enquiry only.

287, Shiota, Yumesaki-cho, Himeji-shi, Hyogo, Japan (671-2112)